Thursday, February 19, 2009

3-4 Days Hiatus!? Lol

Well I'm gonna take a break for 3 days. Why? Because I'm gonna fly off to...Singapore!

No reason for flying though, just "makan angin" as they say. Ahahaha. Gonna relax there and enjoy..or something..more like buying games and accessories but hey, that's called relaxation for me :)

So yeah, off to Singapore later and be back on Monday..well I should just say Tuesday cause I'm coming back at like 11 P.M and by the time reach home should be Tuesday already bwahahhaha XD

Goodbye my fellow readers, we shall meet again on Tuesday, unless I decide to bring my laptop and blog in Singapore >.>

..chances are I won't LOL

Posts without pictures are not really interesting..hence the decision to add those 2 random pictures =D hahahahahhaahha

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