It was a fine ...err..I can't remember the day so I shall just say..Tuesday. Yess...It was a nice and sunny Tuesday. I was playing Rockband 2 as usual, practicing my drumming in the practice mode. After playing My Hero by the Foo Fighters, I felt that I should be playing more songs from Rockband 1 since I haven't played most of them yet.
.. And so I pressed the Start button and went to proceed to picking a 'New Song'
While running through my song tracklist, I saw an interesting song to play. It was Detroit Rock City by Kiss.
Halfway through the song I felt a sharp pain from my feet. Next thing I knew.. CRACK
"Holy shit" I said as I looked down to see the horrible scene.."MY FUCKING PEDAL BROKE!!!??!?!"
Countless sobbings later here I am, probably around 3 weeks since that incident. LOL And below you shall see how my pedal looks like, broken T.T
*Warning. The following picture below shows signs of abuse and violence. The pedal below has suffered enough and shall not comment on the picture*
And the picture above my friends, is a result of too much hardcore rock band drumming! And the funny thing is, that Kiss song i was playing wasn't even that difficult. Must've been the strain on playing My Hero on expert -.-
After that horrible incident, I have tried countless times to fix it as can be seen from the picture. The white gooey thingy at the hinge there, some kind of superglue my driver used. Yes it did hold for a little while...only like less than a week before it broke off again. Pure fucking madness I tell you. So I decided to go online and look for solutions to solve my..pedal problem. Something that might LAST. Something durable...
Well it's basically a real drum bass pedal and they just drilled 2 sensor switches on it as shown in the picture below:
I'm sure this pedal won't break this time cause all of the parts are made of metal, excluding the sensors. So no worries here. Bwahhahahahaha XD
Hung's Quote about the pedal before I bought it: "Dude don't buy it man, it looks like it could eat your foot!!" Aahhahahahah
Now that that's out of the way, back to my gaming post XD
Now that that's out of the way, back to my gaming post XD
So where was I? Oh yeah, the pictures for my games. As you know, I loooveee my hobby, which is gaming. And indeed it IS an expensive hobby. Collecting original games is just..somehow...addictive o.O Although it burns a hole in my wallet T.T so..painful... LOL
Onto the picture post of my games!
First up is my collection of Gamecube games. I only have three gamecube games since I don't play it anymore. The 3 games are: Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime and Resident Evil 4
Next up is my collection of Wii games. I have twelve Wii games and they are: Wii Sports, Super Smash Bros. Brawl, Resident Evil 4 Wii edition, No More Heroes, Call of Duty 3, Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz, Madden 07, Okami, Mario Kart Wii, Bully Scholarship Edition, Super Mario Galaxy and The Godfather Blackhand Edition.
My third console, The PS3, and one of my favourite consoles right now has err.. 15 Games and they are: Valkyria Chronicles, Mirror's Edge, Farcry 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Prince Of persia, LittleBigPlanet, Soulcalibur 4, Motorstorm 2, RockBand 2, Midnight Club Los Angeles, Resistance 2, Fallout 3, Star Wars The Force Unleashed, RockBand and EndWar.
And Finally, The Creme De La Creme of my video game collections, The massive 41 titles of my Xbox360 library. I don't even know if I should list them all out since there are so many of them, but heck I'm so freaking bored I might as well do it O.O HAHAHAHAHAHA. Here they are, and yes, I did them alphabetically LOL :
Assassin's Creed, Battlestations Midway, Battle For Middle Earth 2, Bioshock, Blue Dragon, Burnout Paradise, Call of Duty 2, Call Of Duty 3, Call of Duty 4, Colin McRae's DiRT, Command And Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars, Crackdown, Dead Rising, Dead or Alive 2 Ultimate, Def Jam Icon, Devil May Cry 4, Eternal Sonata, F.E.A.R, Forza Motorsport 2, Gears Of War, Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter, Grand Theft Auto 4, GRID, Guitar Hero 2, Guitar Hero 3, Halo 2, Halo 3, Lost Odyssey, Lost Planet, Mass Effect, Need For Speed Carbon, Ninja Gaiden 2, Perfect Dark Zero, Project Gotham Racing 3, Rainbow Six Vegas, SaintsRow, Splinter Cell Double Agent, Stranglehold, The Elder Scrolls 4 Oblivion, The Orange Box, Viva Pinata.
Leaning Tower of Gaming-tude ahahhahahah
And now I shall post pictures of my most favourite games from each console:
Xbox360 - Grand Theft Auto 4,
Call of Duty 4,
Assassin's Creed,
Gears of War,
Halo 3
Ps3 - Metal Gear Solid 4,
Rock Band 2,
Rock Band 2,
Valkyria Chronicles,
Wii - Super Smash Bros. Brawl,
Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition,
No More Heroes,
Gamecube - Resident Evil 4
And Finally my 3 Best Games from each of my 3 consoles(excluding Gamecube):
Xbox360 - Grand Theft Auto 4
PS3 - Metal Gear Solid 4
Wii - Super Smash Bros. Brawl
These 3 games deserve special awards man I swear, especially MGS4, One of the best games EVER! XD
So I have about 70 games for my 3 consoles =D plus 1 free game from the Wii that it got bundled with, Wii Sports hahahaha
Sadly my Xbox360 is still in EGM being fixed(or sitting there untouched). It's been there since last October man WTF?!?!
And that's it for now. Hope you enjoyed my gametastic post. XD
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